
Section 1. General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Purpose) This regulation is to select and award an individual or organization that carries on the excellent achievements of Paiknam Kim Lyun-joon as a teacher, and musician, and as the founder of Hanyang Foundation. The recipient(s) will reflect Paiknam’s noble spirit of respect for human rights and service in the areas of engineering, music, and human rights and service.
  • Article 2 (presentation of prize) The award is conferred by Paiknam Memorial Association
  • Article 3 (Establishing Operations Committee) Paiknam Prize Operations Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Operations Committee") shall be established to carry out duties related to this award.

Section 2. Prizes and Qualifications

  • Article 4 (Prizes Division) This award is presented once every two years and will be awarded in the following three divisions:
    • 1)Engineering
    • 2)Music
    • 3)Human Rights and Service
  • Article 5 (Winner)
    • The winner of the prize will be one individual or group per division, but two individuals or groups can be awarded.
    • If there is no eligible winner for each division as set forth in Article 4, the award for that division may be omitted.
    • The individual recipient of the prize must be living. However, an exception will be made in the case of the recipient having died after being selected as the winner by the Operations Committee. In this case, the deceased winner shall be named, and the award shall be paid to the heir in accordance with the national law of the Republic of Korea.
  • Article 6 (Eligibility of the Winner)
    • The winner of the award shall be a person or group who practiced love as an achievement corresponding to one of the following items mentioned in ②.
    • Qualifications for each division are as follows
  • 1. Engineering

    Individuals or groups that have contributed significantly to the development of society through excellent research activities and creative technology development in the fields of engineering and applied technology

  • 2. Music

    Individuals or groups who have greatly contributed to the development of culture and arts through creation, presentation, and research activities in the field of music.

  • 3. Human Rights and Service

    Individuals or groups who have greatly contributed to the improvement of human rights ideology, improvement of human rights system, relief of human rights violations, or contributed to social development through volunteer activities.

Section 3. Recommending a Nominee

  • Article 7 (Nominee Recommendations)
    • Any person who falls under one of the following subparagraphs may make a nomination:
    • 1.Executive officer of Paiknam Memorial Association
    • 2.Individuals and organizations nominated by the Operations Committee
    • 3.Past winner of the ‘Paiknam Love in Deed’ Prize
    • 4.Public institutions, academic institutions, research institutions, social organizations, or the heads of schools in all levels
  • Article 8 (Recommendation Documents)
    • The nominee shall submit the following documents to the Operations Committee:
    • 1. One letter of reference (prescribed form)
    • 2. One resume (prescribed form)
    • 3. Any documentation that will support the nominee’s recommendation
    • Unless specified in advance, the documents received will not be returned.
  • Article 9 (Confidentiality in Recommendations)

    The recommendation received by the committee and the achievements of the candidate shall not be disclosed without his or her consent.

Section 4. Operations Committee and Judging Committee

  • Article 10 (Organization of Operations Committee)
    • The Operations Committee shall be composed of no more than 12 members, including the Chair appointed by the Chairperson of the Paiknam Memorial Association.
    • The committee members are appointed by the chairperson.
  • Article 11 (Operations Committee Functions)
    • The Operations Committee shall supervise the following matters:
    • 1.All the necessary tasks for the 'Paiknam Prize' including selection of winners
    • 2.Recommend winner to the Paknam Memorial Association
    • 3.Carry out tasks related to the functions
  • Article 12 (Organization of Judging Committee)
    • Appoint judges for each division to select candidates for the award.
    • The selection of candidates for human rights and volunteer work in relation to paragraph 1 is carried out by the human rights league.
    • The committee for each division shall consist of a chair appointed by the chairperson of the Paiknam Memorial Association and a committee of 2 to 4 members.
    • The term of office for the jury members shall be from the date of commission to the date of the prize ceremony.
    • The committee chairperson of each division shall be chosen by the committee members.
  • Article 13 (Judging Committee Functions)
    • The judges will evaluate the candidate’s qualifications and achievements.
    • Sectoral review committees will select nominees in the field and recommend them to the operations committee. However, in the absence of an eligible candidate, the nominee for that year may not be nominated.
  • Article 14 (Judging Confidentiality)

    Any contents related to the examination of the award shall not be disclosed, and no appeal of the examination process will be accepted.

  • Article 15 (Committee Management)
    • The Operations Committee and the Judging Committee will open when two-thirds of the committee members are in attendance and resolutions made when two-thirds attendees are in agreement.
    • The vice chairperson of the Operations Committee will chair, and the judge appointed by the Operations Committee will chair when the Operations Committee chair and the divisions Judging Committee chair is absent respectively.

Section 5. Operations Office

  • Article 16 (Operations Office)
    • The Operations Committee shall have an Operations Secretariat to carry out all the tasks necessary for the award.
    • The operating secretariat is located at the General Affairs Team of Hanyang University and may have staff under their supervision to support the operations of the committee.
    • The operations office may organize and operate a TF composed of the relevant departments of the Foundation Secretariat and the University at the beginning of that year's award process.

Section 6. Confirmation and Announcement of Winners

  • Article 17 (Announcement of Winners)The winner will be announced no later than 15 days prior to the award date.
  • Article 18 (Notice of Prize Decision)The committee shall notify the winner of the prize decision by letter in conjunction with the announcement of the winner of Article 17.
  • Article 19 (Prize Ceremony)The award shall be given by the Chairman of Hanyang Foundation, who also serves as the chairperson of Paiknam Memorial Association, or by a person appointed by the chair.

Sectionr 7. Prize

  • Article 20 (Prize Date) The award date shall be July 1 of the relevant year.
  • Article 21 (Prize Method)The Paiknam Prize consists of a prize, a plaque and a monetary gift as an addition.
  • Article 22 (Monetary Gift)
    • The monetary gift shall be determined by the Paiknam Memorial Association. However, in the case of a joint award, the award shall be divided equally.
    • If the winner does not claim the prize within six months of the award date without any particular reason, the money shall be returned to the Paiknam Memorial Association.

    Supplementary: These regulations will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.